There's No "Junior" Holy Spirit!
KIDSLife and “KIDS on the MOVE” create an atmosphere where students become world changers. Here they will come to know God’s character, experience His presence, and share His love. Our heart is to guide children into knowing who they are in Christ based on what God’s word says about them so they’ll be equipped to reach their life destiny.
0-3 yrs old
SUNDAY: Check in at 10:15am
LOCATION: Main Building just across the hallway from the Offices
3-12 yrs old
SUNDAY : Check in at 10:15am
LOCATION: Life Training Center (Downhill from the main building) in the Great Room
KIDS on the MOVE
K-5th Grade
WEDNESDAY : 6:30-8pm
LOCATION: Life Training Center (Downhill from the main building) in the Great Room.
6th-12th Grade
LOCATION: Life Training Center (Downhill from the main building) in the LOFT
Click Here to read about Melody & Ginger
Nursery CoordinatorsMelody Swanson & Ginger Frank
More coming soon
What to expect? When? & Where?
We create an environment of love, joy, and peace by reflecting the complete adoration that Father God has for each tiny one that comes under our care. We meet physical, emotional, and spiritual needs by playing, dancing, worshiping, reading, holding, and rocking babies all service long.
Nursery Room: 0 – 3yrs
We also have an inviting & quiet room for nursing mothers attached to the nursery.
Click Here to read about Reeny
Children's PastorReeny Jesudian
KIDSLife exists to support families in each child’s spiritual training. By teaching young people to give out what they have learned as soon as they have learned it, our goal is to create a perpetual cycle of genuine growth that reaches into future generations.
KIDS on the MOVE
Sunday AM Kids Church
At KIDSLife each child will learn about our powerful and caring God who is passionately waiting to share Himself with him or her. Kids will sing fun songs with our worship band and enjoy creative Bible learning with stories, crafts and games. They will not just learn about God, but will be introduced to Him, experiencing His presence and hearing His voice for themselves.
Located in the Life Training Center just next-door to our main building, ages 3 – 12 meet together in the Great Room for connection time, games and worship. After worship, students break off into age-appropriate classes.
Pre-K & K-5th Grade Class
Wednesday Nights
Kids join us for a fun evening of Worship, Bible lessons and games.
– Enjoy creative challenges
– Participate in songs, skits & stories
– Play games & Win prizes & have a blast doing it all!
Ages: 4-12yrs From: 6:30pm- 8pm
Located in the Life Training Center just next-door to our main building.
Kids Bible App
Click Here to read about Nathan & Chloe
Youth PastorsNathan & Chloe Andrews
The youth is the future of society. They are the next prominent generation. Impact them. Empower them.
Equip them to -not be confident in their place in the world “ahead of time”- but to be so confident in who HE is that no matter what happens in their lives, in their communities, or in society- they already have all the tools in their tool belt needed to guide them and others towards Gods Glory fulfilled.
Youth Group is how we get there. Our vision for youth group is to create a safe space for kids to come and experience Holy Spirit in freedom through impartation, practical teaching, radical encounters, consistent activation and encouraging community.
We believe that by allowing Holy Spirit to show us what our meetings look like on a regular basis, we are giving God the room to go to work in our hearts as the pastors, the hearts of our leaders, the hearts of the kids, the hearts of their families, and ultimately, the heart of our community.
We are "The Foundation" Youth Group
YOU ARE INVITED to be with us every Wednesday night for group
(excluding some holiday breaks)!
We meet in the Loft of the Life Training Center from 6:30pm to 8pm for games, a message, worship and small groups. Throughout the year we schedule fun beach trips, family style dinners, over-the-top all nighters and seriously so much more!
Whether we are gathered together to worship, hear a great message, or having fun just being together, we know that we are bringing Heaven to Earth! We know that we have a good Heavenly Father who loves to see His children: play, laugh, sing, learn, grow & be completely silly!